Alzheimer’s & Dementia News Roundup (March 2025)

A monthly recap of the latest news about Alzheimer’s and dementia  6 Science-backed Lifestyle Changes That Lower Dementia Risk  Dementia has no cure. And while there is no guaranteed way to prevent it, there are several lifestyle choices that may contribute to protecting against it — maintaining your brain health and reducing the risk of

March 28th, 2025|Clinical Research|

Alzheimer’s & Dementia News Roundup (February 2025)

A monthly recap of the latest news about Alzheimer’s and dementia  Difficulty managing bills may signal early dementia  Financial challenges such as missed credit card and mortgage payments may indicate early stages of dementia long before a formal diagnosis, according to an NIA-funded study. Read more.    Bright brain spots from small blood vessels could

March 10th, 2025|Clinical Research|

Alzheimer’s & Dementia News Roundup (January 2025) 

A monthly recap of the latest news about Alzheimer’s and dementia    Aging may change some brain cells more than others Based on new brain mapping research funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), scientists have discovered that not all cell types in the brain age in the same way. Read more.    AI speech

February 5th, 2025|Clinical Research|

Alzheimer’s & Dementia News Roundup (December 2024) 

A monthly recap of the latest news about Alzheimer’s and dementia   Nerve-stimulating lights and sounds may trigger removal of harmful brain proteins Noninvasive brain stimulation using light and sound has been shown to rid mouse brains of damaging amyloid protein, a hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease. Read more.   Neighborhood disadvantage linked to dementia risk in

January 2nd, 2025|Clinical Research|

Alzheimer’s & Dementia News Roundup (November 2024) 

A monthly recap of the latest news about Alzheimer’s and dementia   Olive oil consumption linked with lower risk of dementia-related death  Consuming olive oil is associated with lowering the risk of dementia-related death compared to rare or no consumption of it — regardless of overall diet quality — according to an NIA-funded study. Read more. 

Alzheimer’s & Dementia Research News Roundup (September 2024)

A monthly recap of the latest news about Alzheimer’s and dementia    Nearly half of dementia cases are preventable  The 2024 Lancet dementia report identified 14 key risk factors, plus two new ones, suggesting that 45 percent of dementia cases could be preventable with lifelong intervention.  Read here.    TDP-43 function is lost a decade

September 30th, 2024|Clinical Research|

Alzheimer’s & Dementia Research News Roundup (August 2024)

A monthly recap of the latest news about Alzheimer’s and dementia   Personalized health coaching may improve cognition and lower dementia risks in some older adults A personalized dementia risk reduction intervention modestly improved cognition and reduced dementia risk factors in older adults at high risk for the condition, according to an NIA-funded study. Read more.

Alzheimer’s & Dementia Research News Roundup (July 2024)

A monthly recap of the latest news about Alzheimer’s and dementia   7 Things to Know About New Alzheimer’s Drug Kisunla A new drug for Alzheimer’s was just this month approved by the FDA for use in the United States, in people in the earliest stages of the disease. Read More.   Blood test accurately diagnosed Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s & Dementia Monthly News Roundup

A monthly recap of the latest news about Alzheimer’s and dementia Study on caregivers finds brief bouts of lucidity are common among people with dementia By conducting in-depth interviews with family caregivers of people with severe dementia, researchers have documented how many of those caregivers witnessed paradoxical lucidity, an unexpected return of mental clarity in

Alzheimer’s & Dementia News Roundup (May 2024)

A monthly recap of the latest news about Alzheimer’s and dementia   Mediterranean staple may lower your risk of death from dementia, study finds A daily spoonful of olive oil could lower your risk of dying from dementia, according to a new study by Harvard scientists. Read more.   Study defines major genetic form of

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