Alzheimer’s Dos and Don’ts for Caregivers

A Guest Blog from Ameripharma   Finding out a loved one has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease can cause stress and uncertainty. Discover the Alzheimer’s dos and don’ts that every caregiver should know and learn how to navigate even the most difficult situations. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia and affects approximately

October 4th, 2019|Health & Lifestyle|

Ask The Expert: My loved one refuses to see a doctor. How do I convince them to go?

This week’s question:  My loved one refuses to see a doctor. How do I convince them to go?   It can often be difficult to get a loved one to go to the doctor for a diagnosis, or even just a routine check-up. First, it is important to know why they may feel reluctant in

Alzheimer’s Orange County CEO Jim McAleer Featured on PopHealth Podcast

Our very own CEO Jim McAleer speaks on Alzheimer’s Orange County and the local fight against Alzheimer’s disease   PopHealth Podcast recently featured Alzheimer’s Orange County’s CEO Jim McAleer on their show. Jim shares his experiences working with various nonprofit organizations, from teaching a choir for adults with memory deterioration, to eventually (after 11 interviews!)

September 18th, 2019|Events, Health & Lifestyle|

Ask The Expert: How can a support group help?

This week’s question:  I've never attended a support group, how can it help?    First off, you may be wondering - what is a caregiver support group? Support groups are a place where caregivers can gather to share information, experiences, advice, and support for one another. Alzheimer’s Orange County regularly holds support groups for helping

Ask The Expert: My loved one has Alzheimer’s, how do I convince them to listen to me?

My husband has Alzheimer’s, and he just won't listen to anything that I say! I’m just trying to help him. How do I convince him to listen to me? It can be very frustrating when you find you are repeating yourself, and yet your loved one simply doesn’t seem to understand or accept what you

Ask The Expert: I’m a caregiver and am doing this all alone, how do I get a break?

  I'm a caregiver and am doing this all alone, how do I get a break?  Some benefits that you or your loved one may be eligible for may include Medi-Cal, which covers adult day centers, In-Home Support Services (IHSS), Veteran’s Aid, and many other programs and services. The IHSS program is considered an alternative

Spending Time with Pets Provides Benefits for Older Adults

A Guest Blog from Home Instead Senior care experts say seniors who interact with animals feel less depressed and isolated. Isolation is becoming an increasingly common issue, with one in five Americans reporting they feel lonely. Seniors are especially vulnerable to these feelings. In fact, 43 percent say they experience loneliness regularly. A new survey

Ask The Expert: What Benefits Might My Loved One Be Eligible For?

This week’s question:  What benefits might my loved one be eligible for, and how do I know?   There are many resources and benefits that you and your loved one may be eligible for. Here are a few:   Medi-Cal Medi-Cal can pay long-term care costs, including nursing, living facilities, and home care, for those

Ask The Expert: What Is the Difference Between Alzheimer’s and Dementia?

Have questions concerning Alzheimer’s, dementia, or other memory issues? We have answers.   As part of our array of programs and services for local families affected by Alzheimer’s and dementia, Alzheimer’s Orange County offers a free telephone helpline to answer any questions you may have about the disease. Whether you are someone experiencing dementia or

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