Education – Planning
Planning for the future is important to everyone, but it is even more important for those diagnosed with dementia and their families. Learn how you can prepare for what’s to come, and set the stage for critical conversations with your loved ones.
As the disease progresses, those with advanced dementia may not be able to express their desires or concerns. Addressing these important decisions early regarding supportive care at end of life will help family members and caregivers and assure that the wishes of the person with dementia are known.

Classes Offered
Legal and Financial Workshop – Identify the steps to getting legal, financial and future care plans put in place. Become familiar with future care options and legal and financial issues pertaining to dementia. Presented by an elder law attorney.
End Game – Care, Prepare, and Connect: “End Game” Screening and Discussion: Join us for the film End Game, followed by a panel discussion about suffering and end of life ethics, accessing quality care and advance care planning.
Being Mortal Screening and Conversation Cafe – Join the national dialogue of the PBS FRONTLINE film, “Being Mortal”. This groundbreaking film follows Dr. Atul Gawande as he explores the hopes of people facing terminal illness and their relationships with the doctors who care for them.
Advance Care Planning – Learn how to record your wishes in the event you cannot speak for yourself, and how to start the conversation with loved ones and your doctor. Learn what a Physician Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment (POLST) form is and what makes Advance Directives legal.
View our other classes and programs
Alzheimer’s Orange County (ALZOC®) offers hundreds of other classes and workshops for those with memory loss concerns, families, caregivers and the community. Browse our other classes here.