Ask the Expert: What are the first signs of Alzheimer’s disease?
As we age, mild forgetfulness can be a normal part of life. However, when memory problems begin to seriously affect daily life, they could be early signs
In the news: Jim McAleer Interview – Sandwiched podcast
Our CEO, Jim McAleer joined the Sandwiched podcast hosted by Sioux Falcone & Jennifer Hedayat to discuss the increase in dementia prevalence in Orange County, recent research
Alzheimer’s & Dementia News Roundup (June 2023)
A monthly recap of the latest news about Alzheimer’s and dementia By boosting memory consolidation, scientists may be able to help Alzheimer's patients During sleep, the
Health Talks with Dr. Trinh feat. President & CEO, Jim McAleer
Alzheimer's Orange County Board Member, Dr. Dung Trinh and President and CEO, Jim McAleer discuss recent Alzheimer's disease breakthroughs and research updates in this entry of the
How to live a healthy brain lifestyle: Physical Activity
Learning how to live a healthy brain lifestyle is essential at any age. Why? Research suggests that lifestyle factors that form the six pillars of brain health may
Alzheimer’s & Dementia News Roundup (May 2023)
A monthly recap of the latest news about Alzheimer’s and dementia Lilly drug slows Alzheimer's by 35%, bolstering treatment approach An experimental Alzheimer's drug developed by