Healthy Aging Center: Acacia provides community-based services that serve both the medical and social needs of individuals who are living at home, but need daytime assistance for their health needs.
Mission, Vision and Values
Healthy Aging Center: Acacia is dedicated to improving the quality of life for frail older adults, persons with dementia or other disabilities and their families by providing expert, supportive care in an inviting and interactive setting.
Acacia will expand its capacity as an innovative, trusted resource and effective community partner providing services to promote health, wellness, and independence for our clients and their families.
Our location
Contact Us
Hours of service: M-F 8am – 4:30pm
Healthy Aging Center Acacia
11391 Acacia Parkway
Garden Grove, CA 92840
Phone: (714) 530-1566
Fax: (714) 530-1592
Please contact us for a tour or more information.
Acacia History
Sponsored in part by:
Anaheim Community Development Block Grant, Archstone Foundation, County of Orange Office on Aging, Employees Community Fund of Boeing California, Edward and Helen Shanbrom Family Fund, Garden Grove Strawberry Festival Association, Hoag Community Benefit Grants Program, Pacific Life Foundation, Scan Health Plan, Sisters of Saint Joseph Healthcare Foundation, The Allergan Foundation, The Crean Foundation, The Green Foundation, The S. L. Gimbel Foundation, Orange County United Way, William Gillespie Foundation, Walmart Foundation and Wells Fargo Foundation.