How to live a healthy brain lifestyle: Physical Activity

Learning how to live a healthy brain lifestyle is essential at any age. Why? Research suggests that lifestyle factors that form the six pillars of brain health may help to reduce the risk of cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease. One of these pillars is exercise and physical health. Many can improve in this area. Less than

Eat Right For Might – Nutrition for a Healthier Mind

Learn about the impact food can have on brain health and what kind of foods can contribute to a healthy mind in this article. Originally published in Village Breeze magazine and written in collaboration with Laguna Woods Village Social Services.   Learn more about our MindFit OC brain health programs, events and more here or

What is a Mind Check and why should I consider one?

For many people worried about their cognition, the idea of getting a memory screen causes feelings of anxiety or fear. It's perfectly normal to have concerns or to be uneasy about getting what some physicians refer to as a "check up from the neck up." Here at Alzheimer's Orange County (AlzOC), we offer complimentary memory

October 27th, 2020|Health & Lifestyle|

Managing Your Mental Health

For many caregivers, dealing with stress and anxiety is a daily battle. Navigating the difficulties that can result from caring for someone has the potential for many to alienate their own mental and emotional well-being. Despite the challenges, there are multiple tools and ways to manage stress and to take care of your mental and

Why We Miss the Mild Stage of Alzheimer’s

By Dr. Trinh/ November, 2017 There are three main stages of Alzheimer’s progression: the mild stage, the moderate stage, and the severe stage.  Prior to these three stages of the disease is a pre-Alzheimer’s stage, called “Mild Cognitive Impairment” (MCI). During MCI, individuals may occasionally experience memory problems which do not affect their activities of

November 16th, 2017|Clinical Research|
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