Understanding Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia (Zoom)

"What do I need to know about dementia?" In this class, we will discuss some of the key topics for understanding dementia: dementia vs Alzheimer's, how to better communicate with someone with dementia, lowering your risk for dementia, and planning ahead. Better care comes from better understanding. Call (714) 547-7581 to RSVP Thank you to

November 13th, 2023||

Help! My Friend has Dementia and a Gun (Zoom)

Join us as we focus on navigating the complex terrain of gun safety. Crucial considerations from communication strategies to secure storage practices will be discussed, empowering caregivers to create a safe environment and prevent potential risks associated with firearm access. Presented by Jeff McCabe, owner of California Gun Services. Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_QkqLCcumTPqrl7DBZ6DWwQ#/registration

Caring for Yourself While Helping Others

Caring for yourself is vital when helping others, yet the physical and emotional demands of professional and personal caregiving can make it seem impossible. Learn how to recognize and teach the symptoms associated with different forms of stress, fatigue, and burnout – and the resulting damage it can cause. Various strategies are provided for you

Ask the Expert: Why is Self-Care so Important?

Self-care is important for a healthy, manageable life. This is especially true for people caring for a person with dementia. According to a 2022 study published in the World Journal of Psychiatry, 1 in 3 caregivers aka care partners, experience depression. In general, caregivers tend to neglect their own health appointments, overlook their own well-being,

August 11th, 2023|Health & Lifestyle|

Summer Travel Tips for Dementia Caregivers

Summer is a season for relaxation and travel for many people. However, for those caring for someone with Alzheimer’s or a related dementia, traveling or going on a vacation may be more difficult, but that doesn’t mean you can’t take a break. Here are some practical tips and guidance to make your summer travel go

Staying Cool and Safe: Essential Tips for Seniors to Beat the Heat

Summer and sunshine are finally here, which means enjoying the warm weather. This also means elderly individuals and especially those with dementia are more susceptible to heat-related illnesses. For example, those with memory loss may forget to drink water and as a result, be more susceptible to dehydration. If you’re caring for a loved one,

What you need to know about frontotemporal dementia

Recently, the news of actor Bruce Willis’ frontotemporal dementia diagnosis made national headlines, but it also put the spotlight on a disorder many are unfamiliar with.  What is frontotemporal dementia?  According to the NIH, Frontotemporal disorders (FTD), sometimes called frontotemporal dementia is a rare form of dementia that tends to occur at a younger age

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