Alzheimer’s Orange County Opens Facility for COVID-19 Positive Dementia Residents

*Published on Jan. 5, 2021 Alzheimer’s Orange County’s (AlzOC) in partnership with the County of Orange and Fairview Developmental Center has recently been approved to open a 50-bed care facility at Fairview Developmental Center in Costa Mesa for dementia residents who are COVID-19 positive, but either have mild symptoms or are asymptomatic and do not

Adapting to technology during the era of COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has restricted our ability to meet in person and created new challenges connecting with others, attending support groups, and attending educational courses and events for caregivers. As a result, many of us have had a need to use technology in ways we previously were unfamiliar with or didn’t have to rely on. 

June 16th, 2020|Technology|

Exercises for Older Adults

Being limited to staying indoors might reduce your ability to go outside, but that doesn't mean you or your loved ones can't stay active. To help you stay physically active during this time, we've compiled a series of simple, easy-to-follow exercises designed specifically for older adults that can be completed with common household items—no need

Meaningful Ways to Spend the Day While Staying At Home

We are living in an unprecedented time. Millions of families across the globe, and right here in Orange County, are following orders to stay home in order to protect our community and our families from the spread of a dangerous disease. For caregivers, this time brings added challenges. Some of us may have relied on

Alzheimer’s & Dementia Weekly News Roundup – Coronavirus (COVID-19) Special Edition (March 6, 2020)

A weekly recap of the latest news about Alzheimer’s and dementia Alzheimer's Orange County compiles a weekly roundup of the latest news stories and developments about Alzheimer's and dementia to keep you updated on what's happening locally and all around the world.   To address concerns about the ongoing coronavirus outbreak, also known as COVID-19, we’ve

March 6th, 2020|Weekly Roundup|
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