Six Strategies for Developing Resiliency

May 2021 Caring for someone with Alzheimer’s or another type of dementia can be challenging, but learning how you can develop resiliency can help. See what lessons you can learn from Dr. Miriam Galindo’s Developing Resiliency presentation from our Fill Your Cup: Caregiver Strategies for 2021 caregiver conference. Developing Resiliency is critical for caregivers Unchecked

Managing Your Mental Health

For many caregivers, dealing with stress and anxiety is a daily battle. Navigating the difficulties that can result from caring for someone has the potential for many to alienate their own mental and emotional well-being. Despite the challenges, there are multiple tools and ways to manage stress and to take care of your mental and

Exercises for Older Adults

Being limited to staying indoors might reduce your ability to go outside, but that doesn't mean you or your loved ones can't stay active. To help you stay physically active during this time, we've compiled a series of simple, easy-to-follow exercises designed specifically for older adults that can be completed with common household items—no need

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