Alzheimer’s Orange County had the chance to interview long time walker Dale Worell to talk about why he walks and why Walk4ALZ has become such a meaningful event for him.
Can you describe how you first got involved with Walk4ALZ?
“My mother had Alzheimer’s, and she always was a walker. She was in Fullerton Gardens, and I decided it might be fun to walk with her. We had a one-year-old and my wife pushed her in a stroller, and I walked with my mom.”
Who do you walk for and why do you continue to walk?
“I walk for my mom. My company would double match my donation, so it was always fun trying to be one of the top three fund raisers for the walk. I loved reaching out to my friends and family and getting them all involved.”
What would your message be to others about why this event matters not only to you, but to the entire community?
“This organization cares for the families of loved ones with Alzheimer’s. They need support to manage their mental health.“
When describing a memorable walk, Dale shared that his mom joined him on his first walk, and after choosing the 3-mile route, she became frustrated. Despite this challenging moment, Dale’s commitment to the cause has only grown stronger ever since. His mom passed away a few months later, but Dale has continued to participate and make a meaningful impact since his first walk. Over the years, he has become one of the event’s most dedicated supporters, raising over $100,000 for Alzheimer’s Orange County and the families it serves.
What would your message be to others about why this event matters not only to you, but to the entire community?
“[Alzheimer’s Orange County] cares for the families of loved ones with Alzheimer’s. They need support to manage their mental health.”
Learn more about the event, donate and sign up here: